
How To Reduce Golden Retriever Shedding

If you're contemplating getting a Golden Retriever with their friendly temperament and gorgeous trademark coat, you won't exist disappointed. However, they exercise come with a warning! When choosing a dog, you lot need to know how to care for your called brood, including grooming. Yous might likewise wonder whether Golden Retrievers shed.

Golden Retrievers are naturally heavy shedders due to their long thick double coats. They consistently shed all twelvemonth round, and shedding too becomes actress heavy in the bound and fall months when clumps of their dense undercoat fall out in preparation for the alter of season.

This profuse seasonal shedding is common in breeds with a double coat like the Golden Retriever. In the doggy world, it'southward known as "blowing the coat."

To properly sympathise the best strategies for decision-making your Golden's shedding, you must first know why he is shedding so much in the first place. Information technology will better equip you to bargain with shedding if you lot know exactly what to expect.

In this post, you'll learn all about Golden Retriever Shedding. I'll tell you lot:

  • Why Gilded Retrievers shed
  • How to recognize unusual shedding
  • When shedding season starts and ends
  • How to reduce and control shedding
A Golden Retriever with a file of fur after being de-shedded. Golden Retriever Shedding

Do yous want to come across the latest dog supplies for your Golden Retriever that are popular right now? You tin notice them on Amazon. Y'all can as well click the push button below.

When nosotros go to shedding solutions, y'all'll learn my top tips on reducing shedding in your Golden Retriever. Let's begin!

  1. Why Do Aureate Retrievers Shed And so Much?
    • Which Color of Golden Retriever Sheds The Almost?
  2. Golden Retriever Shedding Season
    • Year-Round Shedding
    • Why is My Gilt Retriever Shedding And so Much Suddenly?
  3. Golden Retriever Shedding Solutions
  4. How to Reduce Golden Retriever Shedding
    • ane. Get a De-Shedding Tool for Gilt Retrievers
    • two. Get a Golden Retriever Shedding Brush
    • iii. Groom and Bathe Your Golden 2-3 Times a Year
    • 4. Switch to Nutrient that Targets the Coat and Peel
    • five. Keep Your Golden Retriever Hydrated
    • 6. Stay Up-to-Engagement With Flea Treatment
    • 7. Include Omega Fatty Acids in Your Gilt's Diet
  5. Does Shaving a Golden Retriever Assistance With Shedding?
  6. Let'south Wrap This Up!

Why Exercise Golden Retrievers Shed So Much?

Most Goldens shed an enormous corporeality of hair! You'll discover clumps of fur in obscure places, such as your kitchen drawers, within your fridge, and even in your coat pockets! Nosotros need to wait at the type of glaze he has to empathize better why your Gold Retriever sheds so much.

Gilt Retrievers shed and so much due to their thick double coat. The topcoat is shiny and dense, and they have a good thick undercoat that regulates their temperature. They constantly shed all yr circular as the pilus goes through its normal growth bicycle, and they volition "blow their undercoat" twice a year.

Double-coated breeds have 2 layers of pilus. If we wait at dog coat genetics, each hair follicle in a domestic dog's coat will have 1-2 topcoat (guard) hairs and several undercoat hairs. Puppies are born with a single coat, but from the historic period of iii months, they will begin to larn their developed coat, which will last until they are roughly 1 year former.

The domestic dog's closest living ancestor, the wolf, besides has a double glaze, thought to exist an bequeathed characteristic. However, the undercoat is absent-minded in single-coated breeds due to a mutated gene, and they, therefore, shed less considering the undercoat is more inclined to molt with the change of season.

If we wait back at the history of the Golden Retriever, they needed their thick, wooly undercoat to protect them from the cold when hunting in the Scottish Highlands and especially in the cold waters when retrieving ducks and other game.

Their guard coat provided them with an extra waterproof layer. Gilded Retrievers continue to make great outside working dogs because they can survive a broad range of weather weather condition.

Which Color of Golden Retriever Sheds The Almost?

You may have heard that the cream Gold Retriever sheds the most or the carmine variety is the least shedding. So, which is truthful?

All colors of Gilded Retriever shed the same, whether cream, light gilt, dark gold, or red. Coat color does not influence the corporeality of shedding – this is a myth. All Goldens have the same traits, no thing their coat color.

Some owners may take become dislocated because they believe foam Goldens shed more than since they accept dark-colored carpets, where the cream fur would be more than axiomatic. Night-colored hair will indeed prove up more on light-colored carpet and flooring, and conversely.

If you are genuinely looking for a Aureate Retriever that sheds less, consider a Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever and Poodle mix). The Poodle is a depression-shedding breed; therefore, your mix won't shed as much as a purebred dog.

A Group of Golden Retrievers. Do Golden Retrievers Shed?

Gilt Retriever Shedding Season

You might exist surprised to learn that the Golden Retriever's shedding habits are somewhat anticipated. In add-on to their typical year-round shedding, Goldens shed the most during particular months. And so, when does the Golden Retriever shedding flavor brainstorm?

Gilt Retriever shedding season occurs twice a year, in the fall and spring. This is when your dog volition change or "blow" his coat which takes approximately 2-3 weeks. Therefore, the shedding season occurs during September, October, Nov, March, April, and May.

When the seasons change, your Golden Retriever volition change his glaze to accommodate the new climate.

When the temperature warms, he'll shed his sometime winter undercoat to brand place for a lighter summer coat. He'll also shed his lighter undercoat and invest in a thick, insulating coat in preparation for the winter when the weather turns cooler. This helps him to feel at ease throughout the year.

His thick undercoat will brainstorm to fall out in clumps for effectually two to three weeks each time. During this period, your dog will be shedding pretty heavily as he molts all of his dead undercoat. You won't be able to avoid noticing it fluttering around all over your home!

Yr-Round Shedding

Although the fourth dimension when your Gilded Retriever "blows his coat" is the worst for shedding, he will also shed regularly throughout the twelvemonth. Information technology's perfectly normal and part of your dog's hair's normal growth wheel and molting.

As mentioned previously, this year-round shedding is the same for all Golden Retrievers, no thing their color.

Why is My Golden Retriever Shedding So Much All suddenly?

You should exist aware that not all shedding in Golden Retrievers is normal, especially at present that you take a clear idea of their regular shedding schedule. Some pilus loss patterns propose health problems that a veterinarian should address. If your Golden begins to shed abnormally, you'll demand to figure out why.

Golden Retrievers may shed outside of their usual schedule due to wellness reasons. Poor diet, dehydration, allergies, parasites, and stress are all possible causes. Hypothyroidism, Cushing's illness, undeveloped hair follicles, pregnancy, or a medication reaction are less prevalent causes.

Professionals can distinguish betwixt normal shedding and molting caused by health, nutritional, and environmental factors. The post-obit signs can identify peculiar shedding:

  • Dry or breakable hair
  • Irritation, open up sores, blisters
  • Bald patches
  • Dislike of petting

Let's take a closer look at the factors that tin cause atypical fur loss in dogs:

  • Poor diet. A healthy, well-balanced nutrition provides a constant supply of essential nutrients. Your Golden Retriever'southward hair needs these nutrients to stay firmly in the hair follicles. As such, a poor diet with deficient nutrients tin can crusade hair loss.
  • Aridity. When your doggo is dehydrated, blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, including the skin, are jeopardized. The decrease in skin suppleness causes the glaze to fall out effortlessly.
  • Parasites, ticks, lice, and fleas. All of these irritate your dog'due south skin, and as a result, he volition nibble or scratch. This causes the fur to fall out, and the chewed skin can become infected.
  • Underdeveloped pilus follicles. This can be inborn, although it isn't always hereditary. Hair follicles do not develop fairly, resulting in patchy or full hair loss.
  • Cushing's disease. This is acquired past a benign tumor in the pituitary gland, which causes an overproduction of the stress hormone cortisol, which subsequently causes hair loss in dogs. Each year, 100,000 dogs are diagnosed with Cushing's illness, with canines older than vi years being at a higher risk.
  • Hypothyroidism. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include increased shedding, hair loss, and thinning. Unfortunately, Gold Retrievers are i of the most prone breeds.
  • Peel trauma. Skin injuries, such equally bacterial and fungal infections, nutrient and other allergies, and some pet medicines, such as steroids, inflammatory disease, and burns, can all cause aberrant shedding. Hair loss tin can occur temporarily during pregnancy, nursing, or when recuperating from an illness.
  • Stress and anxiety.Separation anxiety or OCD, for example, can pb your Golden Retriever to chew his pilus and peel, leaving patches. This condition is known as acral lick dermatitis. It can likewise be acquired past parasites and other allergic conditions.

Any the source of your Retriever's unnatural shedding, the prevention and remedies are the same as they are for reducing normal heavy shedding, whether it is year-round or seasonal.

Golden Retriever Shedding Solutions

How to Reduce Golden Retriever Shedding

Having a Golden Retriever is a rewarding experience. It does, still, have a disadvantage. Your dog sheds all year long, regardless of the season! There is no way to eliminate shedding, just you lot can do things to minimize and control information technology.

That'southward why I've assembled a list of piece of cake-to-implement strategies for reducing and decision-making your Golden's shedding. If you jumped direct to this section, here'southward my TL;DR answer on how to reduce Golden Retriever shedding…

To reduce Golden Retriever shedding, castor daily, and use a de-shedding tool twice per calendar week, especially during the shedding seasons. Feed a diet that targets a salubrious coat with Omega fatty acids. Ensure your dog is always hydrated, breast-stroke him 2-three times a yr, and control fleas and parasites.

Learn More on Aureate Retriever Shedding Solutions Hither…

Reasons of Pilus SHEDDING in dogs . How to Stop Excess Shedding in dogs || Monkoodog

Here are my in-depth solutions:

1. Get a De-Shedding Tool for Gilt Retrievers

The best fashion to groom your Gilded is with a de-shedding tool engineered for a double glaze. These tools cater to your Retriever'due south thick undercoat and dig out any loose hairs that might otherwise fly all over your home! They are perfect to utilise when your doggo is "blowing his coat." Yous'll need to use this tool twice per calendar week during this time.

I use the FURminator undercoat de-shedding tool from Amazon. It especially does an excellent job by removing all the dead and loose pilus every bit the stainless steel edge reaches through your dog'south topcoat without causing damage or cutting the pare. I've tried other de-shedding tools over the years, just I've never establish one as first-class as the FURminator.

I recommend yous attack your Gilt Retriever'due south shedding from multiple angles.

Earth of Dogz

2. Go a Aureate Retriever Shedding Brush

Your Gilt Retriever, like other dogs, will shed all year. You lot won't be able to forestall it entirely, but brushing his hair with a slicker brush frequently will keep information technology from accumulating all over your furniture and flooring.

It doesn't take all that much piece of work to brush him daily, either. Depending on your doggo, two-three times per week may be enough. There are many good slicker brushes that you lot tin can go for your Golden Retriever'south topcoat that will remove pet dander and keep his glaze looking smart.

I like the Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker Brush from Amazon. It's too great for getting rid of tangled hair and is easy to use. Information technology'south simple to clean, besides, as it has a button that you merely click, which removes all the fur from the brush (like the FURminator).

All you need to do is brush your Gold Retriever'south entire coat a few times, and you lot will significantly reduce the amount of hair he sheds compared to if you only brush him weekly.

3. Groom and Bathe Your Golden 2-3 Times a Year

As previously mentioned, your Golden Retriever will alter his coat twice per twelvemonth, once in the autumn and once in the spring. Although you won't be able to forestall the clumps of fur from eventually falling out, bathing and brushing him at these times will help eliminate more of information technology in 1 go.

Rather than allowing his undercoat to come out gradually over time, you can loosen any remaining fur and remove it after bathing. Never over-bathe, every bit this strips your Gilded Retriever's natural oils causing dry skin, which then causes further shedding.

You tin also go special de-shedding dog shampoos to release the undercoat during the bath. You can even observe Omega three & 6 fatty acids products, such as the FURminator deShedding Ultra Premium Canis familiaris Shampoo, which helps reduce shedding.

A Golden Retriever being bathed. How to Reduce Golden Retriever Shedding

4. Switch to Food that Targets the Coat and Skin

Y'all may have already considered what you feed your Golden Retriever, but did yous know that the nutrient you provide him significantly impacts his shedding habits?

Inexpensive domestic dog food has many ingredients that some dogs take trouble digesting, like corn and grain, forth with all those nasty preservatives and chemicals. Instead, look for dog food with a high-quality poly peptide source every bit the first ingredient. A poly peptide insufficiency results in a dull and unkempt coat.

If your Golden Retriever is non receiving the correct nutrition, the protein he's receiving volition sustain musculus mass, leaving the glaze to suffer. If you're interested in more in-depth data about canine diet, I have a definitive guide, Best Diet for Golden Retrievers: Nutrition, Types, and More! that you'll bask.

Alternatively, if you're a domicile feeder and are looking for some recipes, head over to this post, v Superlative Bootleg Dog Food Recipes For Shedding.

Although the best food is more expensive, information technology volition benefit your Golden Retriever by minimizing his daily shedding and ensuring that he lives a long and healthy life.

Your Golden Retriever volition have a good, good for you coat if yous feed him food that meets his nutritional demands, and yous'll be able to limit the amount of year-round shedding.


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5. Keep Your Aureate Retriever Hydrated

Allowing your Gilded Retriever to drink more water daily can assist to reduce the volume of shedding! This is considering when dogs are dehydrated, they shed more.

Giving your dog 1 ounce of h2o for every pound of body weight will improve his overall health and lessen the corporeality of hair that ends up all over your house.

You can get a dog h2o fountain, such as the Petsafe Drinkwell from Amazon, that entices your Retriever to drinkable and saves you from always freshening upwardly his h2o. I specially like this i as it'south a great size, has two tiers, and even comes with carbon filters to remove bad taste and odors from the water.

Pro Tip! Give your Golden Retriever ice cubes in warm atmospheric condition to go along him hydrated. You can also treat your canis familiaris to frozen fruits such as raspberries or strawberries to quench his thirst. These make a healthy alternative to store-bought treats.

6. Stay Up-to-Date With Flea Treatment

Flea treatments won't stop your Aureate Retriever from shedding, but they volition prevent him from scratching and gnawing at himself excessively if he has a tick or flea!

The more than your Golden relentlessly scratches to release himself from the discomfort of fleas or ticks, the more fur he pulls out.No ticks and fleas mean less scratching and less shedding.

Call up to stay on top of your Golden Retriever'southward flea handling. I practise this every three months for my domestic dog, along with deworming treatment.

7. Include Omega Fatty Acids in Your Golden's Diet

I already explained how you could reduce your Golden Retriever's shedding by irresolute his diet and incorporating Omega fatty acids into your daily schedule to reduce the volume of year-round shedding.

You tin can do this by choosing specific foods with Omega iii fatty acids. You lot tin can likewise achieve it past providing your Golden Retriever with a daily supplement that contains these nutrients. Check out Zesty Paws Omega 3 Alaskan Fish Oil Treats from Amazon. They come in salary or chicken flavor and get thousands of favorable reviews.

If your doggos food choice doesn't comprise enough oils, another culling is to add a little olive oil to his food. Olive oil contains omega-three fatty acids that support the pare and coat. Remember to check with your vet first on how much to give your Retriever.

Tip! Sometimes, I add a little tinned tuna or mackerel in oil to my canis familiaris's food, and I know she won't exist far abroad if we accept salmon for dinner!

Including Omega fatty acids in your dog's nutrition will mean far less shedding in the long term, and your Gilded Retriever volition be healthier at the aforementioned time.

Does Shaving a Golden Retriever Assistance With Shedding?

You may have one final question now that y'all know how to control and reduce your Aureate Retriever's shedding, especially if you've seen dogs with various hairstyles! Does shaving a Golden Retriever help with shedding?

Shaving your Golden Retriever'southward coat will not help with shedding. Never shave a double-coated dog as information technology will cause irritation, expose him to bacteria and infection, and impairment the regrowth. Shaving also impedes your domestic dog'south natural temperature regulation, exposing him to farthermost cold and rut.

The fur in Retriever's coats is non the same as human being hair; it has a distinct function, and the fur follicles do not regenerate properly. Unless at that place are valid health reasons, you should not shave your Golden Retriever's fur.

Allow's Wrap This Up!

Hither are the key takeaways from the article.

  • Heavy shedding is a normal daily occurrence and is 1 of the cons of Golden Retrievers.
  • Golden's volition also shed more in the spring and fall when they will change their undercoat.
  • Irregular shedding tin can be acquired past a poor diet, dehydration, some health issues, and parasites.
  • Shaving your domestic dog will non reduce shedding.

While you can't entirely terminate your Golden Retriever from shedding birthday, at that place are quite a few ways to reduce it. Here's a recap on how to do this:

  • Invest in a de-shedding tool for dogs with double coats and brush regularly.
  • Bathe your Aureate 3-four times a year.
  • Change your dog's food to one that focuses on a salubrious glaze and pare (Omega fatty acids).
  • Stay up-to-date on flea and tick treatments.

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